Bloomberg Law MARC Records

This page contains complimentary MARC records for the current publications and publisher sets available on Bloomberg Law. The records are created and updated on OCLC and should be compatible with library systems that can load MARC records.

If you haven’t loaded Bloomberg Law records before, start by downloading the complete record file found in the ‘Latest Update Files for Bloomberg Law’ section below. Once the complete record file has been loaded, all you will have to do after is to load new and revised files to keep your Bloomberg Law records up to date.

To download records, simply click on the Image button next to the file you want. The record file should save automatically to your computer, depending on your Internet browser. For more information, click the ‘About Loading MARC Records’ link. For KBART files, please visit OCLC WorldShare Collection Manager. Search WorldShare for “bloomberg” to find them. The collections match the record groupings on this site.

Latest Update Files for Bloomberg Law

If you have previously loaded Bloomberg Law record sets, the following new and revised records may be loaded separately to bring your catalog up to date:

  • New record file: marc (26 titles; last updated 07/16/24)
  • Revised record file: marc (5 titles; last updated 07/16/24)
  • Complete record file: marc (1,322 titles; last updated 07/16/24)

Accounting Policy & Practice Portfolios

  • Revised record file: Image (1 title, last updated 04/30/24)
  • Complete record file: marc (87 title; last updated 04/30/24)

ALM Media

  • Revised record file: marc (1 titles; last updated 6/16/21)
  • Complete record file: marc (41 titles; last updated 6/16/21)

American Bar Association Books & Treatises

  • New record file: marc (1 title; last updated 07/16/24)
  • Complete record file: marc (93 titles; last updated 07/16/24)

American Bankruptcy Institute Books & Treatises

  • New record file: marc (1 title; last updated 07/16/24)
  • Complete record file: Image (78 titles; last updated 07/16/24)

American College of Trial Lawyers

  • New record file: Image (1 title; last updated 02/17/23)

American Law Institute

  • New record file: Image (4 titles; last updated 04/30/24)
  • Complete record file: Image (15 titles; last updated 04/30/24)

Banking Practice Portfolio Series

  • Collection Removed

Bloomberg Law Books

  • New record file: Image (2 title; last updated 07/16/24)
  • Revised record file: Image (2 titles; last updated 07/16/24)
  • Complete record file: Image (89 titles; last updated 07/16/24)

Bloomberg Law Manuals

  • Complete record file: Image (36 titles; last updated 04/21/23)

Bloomberg Law News Products

  • New record file: marc (3 titles; last updated 09/22/23)
  • Complete record file: marc (49 titles; last updated 09/22/23)

Bloomberg Law Practice Centers

  • New record file: Image (3 titles; last updated 04/30/24)
  • Complete record file: Image (17 titles; last updated 04/30/24)

Bloomberg Tax Navigators

  • Complete record file: Image (15 titles; last updated 07/16/24)

BNA Current Reports Archive

  • Revised record file: marc (1 title; last updated 04/30/24)
  • Complete record file: marc (34 titles; last updated 04/30/24)

Corporate Practice Portfolio Series

-Collection Removed


  • Revised record file: Image (1 titles; last updated 04/30/24)
  • Complete record file: marc (7 titles; last updated 04/30/24)

Federal Judicial Center

  • New record file: Image (11 titles; last updated 12/12/17)
  • Complete record file: Image (12 titles; last updated 12/12/17)

Health Law & Business Portfolio Series

  • Complete record file: marc (27 portfolios; last updated 02/13/19)

James Publishing

  • New record file: Image (1 title; last updated 02/17/23)
  • Complete record file: Image (49 titles; last updated 02/17/23)

Lexology Panoramic

  • New record file: Image (4 titles; last updated 07/16/24)
  • Complete record file: Image (136 titles; last updated 07/16/24)

Litigation Practice Portfolio Series

  • Collection Removed


  • Revised record file: Image (2 titles; last updated 02/17/23)
  • Complete record file: Image (4 titles; last updated 02/17/23)

Privacy & Data Security Practice Portfolio Series

  • Collection Removed

Securities Practice Portfolio Series

  • Collection Removed

State Tax (Tax Management Multistate Tax Portfolios)

  • New record file: marc (11 portfolios; last updated 01/26/24)
  • Complete record file: marc (41 portfolios; last updated 01/26/24)

Tax Management Portfolios (Bloomberg Law: Tax)

  • New record file: marc (3 titles; last updated 07/16/24)
  • Revised record file: marc (3 titles, last updated 07/16/24)
  • Complete record file: marc (467 titles; last updated 07/16/24)

Wiley Press

  • New record file: Image (1 titles, last updated 04/30/24)
  • Complete record file: Image (60 titles; last updated 04/30/24)

Bloomberg Law Quarterly Update Memos

July 16, 2024 (pdf)
April 30, 2024 (pdf)
January 26, 2024 (pdf)
November 8, 2023 (pdf)
August 14, 2023 (pdf)
April 21, 2023 (pdf)
March 6, 2023 (pdf)
February 22, 2023 (pdf)
July 12, 2022 (pdf)
May 2, 2022 (pdf)
January 22, 2022 (pdf)
September 20, 2021 (pdf)
June 21, 2021 (pdf)
Feb 26, 2021 (pdf)
Oct 6, 2020 (pdf)
May 6, 2020 (pdf)
December 2, 2019 (pdf)
May 21, 2019 (pdf)
February 21, 2019 (pdf)
December 19, 2018 (pdf)
August 7, 2018 (pdf)
December 12, 2017 (pdf)
August 1, 2017 (pdf)
March 31, 2017 (pdf)
September 8, 2016 (pdf)
December 19, 2016 (pdf)
May 23, 2016 (pdf)
August 4, 2015 (pdf)

Contact Amy Liss in the Bloomberg Law Library with any questions about the catalog records. Amy can be reached at

For more information on using Bloomberg Industry Group material in your law school, contact Bloomberg Industry Group's Law School Support line at 800-572-3374. For information on buying a Bloomberg Industry Group publication or questions about your current subscriptions, contact Bloomberg Industry Group's Law School Consultants at 800-542-1113.